Remembering Harvey - A Family's Commitment to Organ Donation
Eddie and Deborah Burns from Macroom in Co. Cork recently organised a charity fundraising event to celebrate the life of their deceased baby son, Harvey, on what would have been his 18th birthday. Deborah miraculously survived the serious head-on collision that tragically took her baby son Harvey's life when he was just nine and a half months old, and while she was being cared for in hospital her husband Eddie made the profoundly selfless decision to donate their son’s organs.
To mark Harvey’s milestone birthday on the 17th of September, the family organised a 4-course gala dinner at the Castle Hotel in Macroom, attended by 160 people, which included a bumper prize draw with many sponsored prizes adding to the funds generated on the night. The event raised more than €30,000 which was divided between Strange Boat Donor Foundation and the Irish Kidney Association.
Both Strange Boat Donor Foundation and the IKA expressed their profound gratitude to the Burns Family for their generosity and support of the cause of organ donation and transplantation.
Speaking on behalf of Strange Boat Donor Foundation Denis Goggin said how much he and Martina appreciated the extraordinary generous donation to their Charity and to the Circle of Life Garden, and thanked the Burns family, their friends, and the local community of Macroom for their remarkable support of the fundraising event. “This support” he said, “is a testament to the courage of families who overcome the adversity of losing a loved one and be inspired by their memory to reach out so generously to society and to the cause of organ donation and transplantation”.
“Celebrating Harvey’s birthday served as a beautiful tribute to his life cut short but never forgotten” said, Eddie Flood, Chairman of the IKA, “and is a reminder of the importance of organ donation in transforming tragedy into hope and giving life to others”.
Deborah Burns expressed her gratitude to everyone who contributed and made Harvey’s 18th birthday celebration a resounding success. “The fundraiser, which exceeded all our expectations with more that €30,400 raised, is a testament to the collective compassion of the community. It is fitting”, Deborah said, “that the funds are divided equally between two worthy charities, both dedicated to promoting organ donation and transplantation, ensuring that Harvey's legacy contributes to honouring organ donors and saving and improving the lives of others”.
Eddie and Deborah were among over 1,300 people who attended the Irish Kidney Association’s 38th annual Service of Remembrance & Thanksgiving in Mullingar Cathedral on 14th October where families of organ donors and transplant recipients come together to honour organ donors and celebrate the gift of life.
This very special Service of Remembrance & Thanksgiving will be broadcast on RTÉ One TV and RTÉ Radio 1 Extra on Sunday, 5th November at 11am.
Individuals who wish to support organ donation are encouraged to Share their Wishes with their family and keep the reminders of their decision available by carrying the organ donor card, permitting Code 115 to be included on their driver’s licence or having the ‘digital organ donor card’ App on their smartphone. Organ Donor Cards can be requested by visiting the Irish Kidney Association website or by phoning the Irish Kidney Association on 01 6205306 or Free text the word DONOR to 50050.