Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness



The Organ Donation Community, united through pain and suffering

characterised by courage, hope, generosity and love.


Welcome to our website created as a dedication to the humanity and selflessness of all organ & tissue donors, and to acknowledge the great courage and determination shown by all involved in the movement in the face of great personal adversity and challenge.

This website gives a voice to, and helps meet the humanitarian and personal needs of donor families and recipients, as well as giving comfort, inspiration and hope to all who share in this common cause.  

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Circle of Life 

features details of the

National Commemorative Garden to Organ Donors created in Salthill, Galway

 Circle of Life Leaflet (Adobe PDF, 7.3MB)

Circle of Life Video


Link to TripAdvisor



News & Events

Circle of Life Garden 10th anniversary event

282 organ transplants took place in Ireland during 2023

Organ Donation Statistics 2022

Organ Donation Nurse Manager, Siobhan Brosnan Remembered

Volunteering at the Circle of Life Garden 

President pays tribute or organ donation community

 Global Organ Donor Commemorative Event 


Organ Donation Statistics  - Facts About Transplants


Under Connemara Skies  Towards Light 

Book of Poems and Photographs



"I feel I know you, but I don’t even know your name. We have a connection I have your heart, I call it my new heart"... - 

 written by a heart transplant recipient, see full text of "Thoughts of my Donor" in 'Other Sources' in our Words of Comfort Pages

In these pages you might find some other interesting and inspirational writings to support and help you on whatever road you are travelling



When we decided to undertake this "Strange Boat" project, its initial aim was to remember our son Éamonn who died in a road traffic accident in the Summer '06 and to raise awareness of the need for organ donation. As were his wishes, Éamonn's organs were donated for transplantation and, although it was not an easy decision to make at such a difficult time, we understood the gift of life it represented to people awaiting transplants.

For us, Éamonn's parents, there continues to be great comfort in the knowledge that the legacy of his last act reflects the courage, compassion and generosity with which he lived life, and the spontaneous outreach and love he had for people. As befits the beauty of the life that was lost, Éamonn's noble and generous gesture has given four people a second chance to live full and healthy lives. By undertaking this project in memory of Éamonn and all organ & tissue donors, we feel it is a fitting way to celebrate their lives, recognise their contribution and honour their memories.

Strange Boat - the title

Éamonn Goggin at work in the sound studioÉamonn worked as a sound engineer in Spiddal, our home village and as music was his passion we decided that music should be central to any project we would undertake in his memory. In early 2006 he had suggested to singer and good friend Eleanor Shanley that she should record the Waterboys' song Strange Boat, but we were not to know then that Eleanor would record the song, but under very different circumstances. One year following Éamonn's death, Strange Boat was recorded by Eleanor with the extraordinary and enthusiastic support of musicians Mike Scott who co-wrote the song with Anto Thistlethwaite, Alec Finn, Sharon Shannon, Paul O'Driscoll and singer Eddi Reader.

The main aim of this recording of Strange Boat is to promote organ donation awareness. Read more about the CD. You can listen to an excerpt from the CD here (double click on the arrow).

This recording then became the inspiration and catalyst for the setting up of this website,, which will help promote organ donation through focusing on people and their stories - donor families, recipients and those people awaiting organs. It is also hoped that considerable benefits will be derived from such a dedicated website, by providing a forum that will further the aims and aspirations of all involved in the organ donation movement.

Strange Boat, the song, and Strange Boat, the website were launched simultaneously (4th April, 2008) and are integral to each other, with both dedicated to the memory of Éamonn and all organ & tissue donors. (see

Trustees/Directors - Strange Boat Donor Foundation CLG

Denis & Martina Goggin;  Dermot Divilly;  Charlie Troy;  Eleanor Shanley;  Judy Murphy;  Damien Nee

CONTACT:  Denis & Martina Goggin -  085 7272491  /  087 7429080   / 


                                                                                                          Registered Charity - 19469  

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