Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness


Lifetime Achievement Award

Mr. David Hickey, Director of Transplantation at Beaumont Hospital was presented with the "Lifetime Achievement Award" during the recent 10th Annual Irish Health Care Awards ceremony, organised by the Irish Medical Times.

Outstanding in his many fields

Mr David Hickey, Director of Transplantation at Beaumont Hospital and former GAA All-Star, tells IMT Editor Dara Gantly that he believes the ‘team’ is everything in both sport and medicine.

“What I know most surely about morality and the duty of man, I owe to sport,” said one of the 20th Century’s greatest philosophers and writers, and half-decent footballer, Albert Camus. As a philosophy on life, it’s also something subscribed to by the 2011 winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Irish Healthcare Awards, transplant surgeon Mr David Hickey.

“Yes, everything,” agreed the three times All-Ireland winner, who seems to have found the missing link between Gaelic Football and existentialism. “The concept of stepping up to the mark and having the courage to do your best, and the overall understanding that you cannot succeed as an individual in something like a team sport or surgery, no matter how talented or gifted you are. You have to have a team with you and you have to understand that.”

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