Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness


Anam Cara "Celebration of Life" event

On Wednesday, 19th June, the annual West of Ireland Branch of Anam Cara “Celebration of Life” event took place in the Circle of Life Garden.  

This very special event gives families the opportunity to remember their children who have died in the company of others who understand the journey through grief.  Reflections were read by family members:  

A Father’s reflection by Rory Coll  

A Sibling’s reflection by Trisha Graham

A Mother’s reflection by Amy Dutil Wall  

Finuala Cooke accompanied by Rick Harris on guitar provided the songs and music for the event.    

As part of the evening’s ceremony each family was invited to place the name of their child on a tree in the Anam Cara-dedicated area of the Garden.


Anam Cara is the national organisation supporting parents and families after bereavement. 


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