Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness



Teenager's moving video about CF

Triona Priestly, a 15 year old Dublin girl passed away last year from cystic fibrosis and in this video she speaks frankly about living with CF and the importance of organ donation.

Read more: Teenager's moving video about CF


Anniversary Event - Circle of Life

To mark the first anniversary of Circle of Life, a music event was held at the garden in Quincentennial Park on Sunday, May 24th.

Read more: Anniversary Event - Circle of Life


New Transplant Authority

From Tuesday, 21st April, 2015,  the newly established transplant authority, Organ Donation and Transplantation Ireland  (ODTI) under the HSE, has responsibility for organ procurement in Ireland. Up to now this service was carried out by the transplant co-ordinators and transplant team at the Organ Procurement Service at Beaumont Hospital.  

Read more: New Transplant Authority


David Hickey Interview on RTE

Dr. David Hickey, the well known and much loved  transplant Surgeon at Beaumont Hospital gave a wonderfully warm and frank interview on the Ray D'Arcy show on RTE.  Dr. Hickey retired earlier this year from his post at Beaumont Hospital.

Read more: David Hickey Interview on RTE


Heart & Lung Transplant Mass of Remembrance

Each year the Irish Heart & Lung Transplant Association hold a Mass of Remembrance & Thanksgiving at the Mater Hospital Chapel to remember their donors and their families and to give thanks for their gift of life.

Read more: Heart & Lung Transplant Mass of Remembrance


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